stephen ministries

Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life. Stephen Ministers support members spiritually and emotionally during the caregiving process and leave the results to God. After being matched with a care receiver, the Stephen Minister meets with that person on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The caring relationship lasts as long as the need for care exists.
The focus is on the process more than specific results. They relate to others assertively with kindness and gentleness, in a caring manner while paying attention to the feelings and situations involved. They pray for the care receivers, for the knowledge to be the most helpful, for fellow Stephen Ministers and the Stephen Leader.
Complete 50 hours of required training to learn how to listen to, care for, and walk with those going through difficult times in life. Be commissioned to serve. Share a passion for sharing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Promote spiritual gifts discovery. Pray.
Stephen Ministers care for people who are experiencing spiritual difficulties transitioning (spiritual crises, loneliness, retirement, empty nest, new job, relocation, grieving) in need of long-term care, hospitalization for chronic or terminal illness, and during the dying process. Marriage and divorce, dealing with job loss or financial difficulties, experiencing losses as they age, the birth of a child or
other challenging times.
Stephen Ministers care for the family and friends of people in crisis
Attend and participate in supervision meetings and support each other emotionally, spiritually, and with ideas.
Continue training on a regular basis.
Determine when additional community or health resources are necessary.
Stephen Ministers are care givers --- they are not a replacement for mental health counselors, doctors, lawyers, insurance representatives, or other professionals.
Follow Stephen Minister protocol and maintain strict confidentiality and appropriate boundaries.
Host fellowship time after services the fourth Sunday of the month.
Support and pray for the Stephen Ministry program.
Be willing to ask for a caring minister if and when the circumstances seem appropriate for you.
Talk to others who may benefit from a Stephen Minister and suggest they contact the Stephen Leader or Ministers for follow up.
Confidentially discuss a need with the Stephen Leader.
Respect the process.
Search within yourself to consider being trained as a future Stephen Minister.